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                              Keskkonnamikrobioloogia grupp 

Peamised uurimisvaldkonnad on järgmised:

1. Paleolimnoloogia ja - mikrobioloogia. Kasutades jääaja järgseid järvesetteid uuritakse vana (fossiilse) DNA põhiselt veekogude mikroobse koosluse arengut. Eesmärgiks on välja selgitada kas DNA põhised meetodid täpsustavad seniseid tranditsiooniliste paleoökoloogiliste mudelite poolt rekonstrueeritud kliimamuutuste kirjeldusi.

2. Looduslikult antibiootikumiresistentsete bakterite mitmekesisuse, leviku ning resistentsusgeenide (resistoomi) uurimine. Töö kaugemaks  eesmärgiks on hinnata resistentuse levikut looduslike ning inimesega seotud patogeensete mikroorganismide vahel.

3. Veekeskkonna bakterite mitmekesisus, ökoloogia, füsioloogia ning fülogenees. Peamiseks uurimisobjektiks on mitmesugused veekogud nagu Eesti järved, jõed ning Läänemeri tervikuna. Osaletakse ka Põhja-Itaalia järvede, Vahemere rannikualade ning Barentsi mere bakterikoosluste uuringutel.

Otsime motiveeritud üliõpilasi ühinema meie uurimisteemadega, huvi korral kirjuta mailto:

Our current research is divided into following major directions:


1.  Paleolimnolgy and - microbiology. Project aims to optimize and develop fossil DNA based methods for analysis of paleodiversity in lake sediment samples. Fine resolution analysis of total algal community based on DNA with higher replication of samples is presumed to facilitate analysis and construction of paleoclimatic and –environmental changes.


Major collaborators:

  • Institute of Geology, Tallinna Univeristy of Technology

  • Dr Normunds Stivrinš,  Department of Geography, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia

  • Prof Heikki Seppä, Department of Geosciences and Geography, Univeristy of Helsinki, Finland


2.  Ecology, physiology and phylogeny of bacteria in lakes and their catchments. We are studing the diversity and activity of bacteria in the sediment, sediment-water column interaction, resuspension, and in water column. Objective of this research is to shed light on importance of the resuspention events on the bacterial diversity and activity in above mentioned compartments. In  addition we study distribution of bacterial species withing lake ecosystems and its interaction with catchment waters.


Major collaborators:

  • Võrtsjärv Centre for Limnology, Estonian University of Life Sciences


3.  Biogeography and ecology of the natural communities of  bacteria to various antibiotics. The task of this research is to describe the naturally occurring resitance pool and estimate to possible flow between pathogenic and mediacally important strains and natural bacterial communities.


Major collaborators:

  • Estonian University of Life Sciences

  • Institute of Microbiology, Medical Faculty, University of Tartu


4.  Paleolimnolgy and - microbiology. Project aims to optimize and develop fossil DNA based methods for analysis of paleodiversity in lake sediment samples. Fine resolution analysis of total algal community based on DNA with higher replication of samples is presumed to facilitate analysis and construction of paleoclimatic and –environmental changes.


Major collaborators:

  • Institute of Geology, Tallinna Univeristy of Technology

  • Dr Anne Bjune, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway

  • Prof Heikki Seppä, Department of Geosciences and Geography, Univeristy of Helsinki, Finland


5.  Microbes in the Baltic Sea. Various projects deal topics from mesocosms to biogeography of microbes in the Baltic Sea, from environmental strains genomics to metagenomics


Major collaborators:

  • BLUEPRINT concortium

  • Dr. Inga Lips (Tallinna Univeristy of Technology)

  • Dr. Risto Lignell (Finnish Institute of Marine Research, Finland)

  • Dr. Johan Wikner (UMF, Sweden)


6.  Micorbiome in fish and and fish populations. Emerging research topic to assess microbiome and fish pathogens relationship to population genetics of fishes in collaboration with:

  • Dr. Anti Vasemägi, Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Freshwater Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Drottningholm, Sweden

  • Estonian University of Life Sciences

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